I have been in practice for over 20 years. Initially I qualified in Homeopathy at the British School of Homeopathy in 1995.
My passion for holistic wellbeing lead me to Jin Shin Jyutsu, the healing art that harmonises our life energy through the use of our fingers and hands.
When arthritis began limiting my life I discovered Journey Therapy pioneered by Brandon Bays and became an Accredited Journey Therapy Practitioner in 2003. Read about my personal experience of Journey Therapy here.
I then introduced EFT (tap and talk therapy) to my practice.
Since opening onto my own Spiritual path I now include Intiuative Angel Therapeutic guidance when helping people. I have always been aware of my connection to "other than consious" healing and the beautiful presence of Angels and Guides as I work. Now I recognise what this is and am happy to acknowledge this aspect of my work.
All this after a successful business career in England before moving to Scotland in 1999 to be near my familly and in a place I have known and loved all my life,
I look forward to meeting you - warm wishes.
Marion Gardner MBA LBSH
Holistic Well-being Therapist
Dumfries & Galloway